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Sake Request

Offers an object and some function to help user to interogate sake.

It's a wrapper around duckdb and thriller functions, so if sake_request doesn't meet your needs, feel free to draw inspiration from it.

Create request object

import pathlib
import sake

sake_path = pathlib.Path("/path/to/your/sake")

sake_db = sake.Sake(sake_path)

sake_db object store: - path usefull for sake request - number of thread could be use, by default it's set to value return by os.cpu_count() - if you want activate tqdm or not, by default not - an object db to store duckdb connection

sake_db = sake.Sake(
    # mandatory argument
    # optional argument
    # overwrite annotations_path

This sake_db object use 3 thread, activate tqdm progress bar, and annotations path are sake_path / "my_annotations" instead of default value.

Get variants from a genomic region

df = sake_db.get_interval("germline", 10, 329_034, 1_200_340)

df is a polars.DataFrame you can make conversion to and from pandas with to_pandas() and from_pandas(). The result contains chr, pos, ref and alt column that are the minimum to define a variant and also a id it's a sake almost unique variants id.

If you have multiple region you could run this:

target_chrs = ["1", "2", "3"]
target_start = [10_000, 40_232, 80_000]
target_stop = [199_232, 50_123, 800_000]

df = sake_db.get_intervals(

You can see get_intervals as just a loop of get_interval.

Get variants from prescription

df = sake_db.get_variant_of_prescription("AAAA", "germline")

DataFrame contains all variants(id, chr, pos, …) and genotype (gt, ad, …) information of prescription AAAA in germline dataset.

Get variants from an annotations

df = sake_db.get_annotations("clinvar", "20241103", "germline")

DataFrame contains all variants(id, chr, pos, …) and annotations information. By default columns are rename with annotations name as prefix, add rename_column=False in call to change this behavior. If you want just some column use select_columns parameter, use original name without prefix.

Add variants to a dataframe

Your dataframe must contains id column (see variants).

df = sake_db.add_variants(df, "germline")

Now df store variants imformation: - chr: chromosome name - pos: position of variant - ref: reference sequence - alt: alternative sequence

Add genotypes to variants

Your dataframe must contains id column (see variants).

df = sake_db.add_genotypes(df, "germline")

Now df store variants with sample information and genotyping: - gt: number of 1 in GT column in vcf, phasing and . information are lose - ad: string that stop AD column in vcf - db: DP column in vcf - gq: GQ column in vcf

df = sake_db.add_genotypes(df, "germline", drop_column=["gq"])

This df store not store gq column if you didn't need a column add it in drop_column.

Add annotations

df = sake_db.add_annotations(df, "gnomad", "3.1.2")

By default all column in annotation are prefixed by annotation name. It's likely that not all columns are of interest to you, use parameter select_columns to list columns of interest. Use original name not with prefix.

df = sake_db.add_annotations(

This call add to df a column AC from the gnomad annotations.

Add sample information

Your data frame must contains sample column (see genotypes)

df = sake_db.sample_info(df)

You can select which column you want add in your dataframe

df = sake_db.sample_info(df, select_columns=["pid_crc"])

Result only contains new pid_crc column.

Add transmission information

Transmission information are available only for germline information and for kindex sample. Your dataset must contains pid_crc column (see sample information)

index_transmission = sake_db.add_transmissions(df)

Result contains only variant of kindex sample with genotype column for index sample, father and mother with coresponding prefix and an origin column. More details in how origin column are build in variantplaner documentation.